January 20, 2022
Published by Kranlyft Group
Kranlyft Group have appointed Crane Lift as exclusive dealer for Maeda in Benelux. The company is located in Deinze, near Gent, in order to be convenient for customers throughout Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
It will hold a stock of new machines, as well as spare parts, while also serving as a base for the service team. Located close to the crossroads of the E-17 and E-40 trans-European motorways it includes a brand new office building with training rooms alongside a new 1,500 square metre warehouse, both of which are located on a large plot with a yard for testing and storing equipment. The facility will support the MAEDA customers throughout the region.
For questions or inquiries please find below the contact details.
Crane Lift
Industrielaan 2B
9800 Deinze
Tel: +32 9 384 12 82
More info concerning sales:
More info on spare parts and service:
For more information:
Jurgen Vater, CEO Kranlyft Group
Phone: +46 31 80 70 00, Email: jurgen.vater@kranlyft.com
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